Captcha auto solver powered by AI with absolute success rate
The world fastest AI-powered solution for all types of captcha with nearly 100% success rate
Subscription plans
Deliver the service with high accuracy & cost-efficiency
We provide plans to maximize your business effectivenessOur services
Solving captchas in real time using AI
Our AI models are trained on a massive dataset of captchas from a variety of websites and applications. This allows them to recognize and solve even the most complex captchas with ease.Captcha Solving script
To solve reCAPTCHA V2, we take the CAPTCHA parameters from the page, including the data-sitekey and page URL, and send them to the Hard Captcha service. The AI then solves the CAPTCHA and returns a token to us. We then enter the token into the appropriate field on the page to complete the CAPTCHA.Supported CAPTCHA types
Supported API clients
DBC, DeCaptcher, Antigate (Anti-CAPTCHA) API support for quick migration to our serviceCaptcha Solving script
Impactful benefits
Unlock substantial advantages with our service, delivering impactful benefits to enhance your operations and overall performance
Exceptional high accuracy
Experience outstanding precision with our service, ensuring exceptional accuracy for your data and operations.
Best deal in the Market
We .This is why we can ensure the market’s lowest price.
Our service works with APIs of popular manual captcha recognition services.To start, just enter the key in your software.
No risks
You only pay for solved captchas. The server load does not affect the price. We guarantee 99% uptime.
Our auto captcha solving service is scalable to meet the needs of any business with high volume of captchas
Frequently updates
We listen carefully to the customer feedbacks and release updates regularly to offer the best service quality.